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We offer three (3) levels of pricing for our Open Water Diver Course. Our most economic price is our "All Inclusive" Open Water Diver Course for our regularly scheduled group classes. We do offer semi-private classes and 1-on-1 private classes for our "All Inclusive" Open Water Diver Course for extra costs. Compare what is included with our "All Inclusive" Open Water Diver Course with other dive shops in the area and you will see the additional value you receive with our "All Inclusive" Open Water Diver Course.
Remember, you pay the one price and that is it, NO HIDDEN FEES for our "All Inclusive" Open Water Diver Course.

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Our All Inclusive Open Water Diver Course includes:
  • Instructor: We limit our class size to 4 students per 1 instructor. At times, multiple instructors available for classroom, confined water dives and open water dives.
  • Classroom Sessions: There are 5 chapters. Pace is dependent upon students but usually takes 2 classroom sessions of 3 to 4 hours each.
  • Classroom Materials (Yours to Keep): The Open Water Diver Manual, Open Water DVD, and eRDPML or Recreational Dive Planner (Dive Tables).
  • Log Book Pages: Pre-printed double sided log book pages to record all your dives.
  • Confined Water Dives: There are 5 pool dives. Pace is dependent upon students but usually takes 2 pool sessions of 3-4 hours each. Conducted in our on-site pool or can be arrange to be conducted at your pool if specific requirements are meet.
  • Equipment Rental: The following equipment will be supplied for both the confined water sessions and the open water sessions.
    • Buoyancy Control Device
    • Regulator with Console
    • Air Tank
    • Weight Belt (if needed)
    • Weights
    • All air fills
    • Exposure protection (wetsuit - 5mm)
  • Open Water Dives: There are 4 open water dives at an open water site such as a spring or a scuba park performed over two days.
  • Scuba Park Entry Fees: Usually $10.00 to $20.00 per day for two days.
  • Air Fills at Scuba Park: Usually $10.00 to $15.00 each and you will need 2 to 3 air fills.
  • Temporary Certification Card: Good for 90 days while permanent card created.
  • Permanent Certification Card: Will be mailed to you in 4-8 weeks.
  • Picture: Required for certification card.
  • FREE Subscription: Six month FREE Subscription to Dive Training Magazine.
  • FREE Dive Insurance: Divers Alert Network (DAN) student insurance while in supervised dive training.
While not included in the course price, the following is available at NO EXTRA cost to our students:
  • Snacks: We will provide fruit and or energy bars at the open water dives.
  • Bottled Water: We will provide bottled water at the pool and open water dives.
  • Equipment Transportation: There is no need for you to take additional time to come pick up your equipment prior to lake weekend or return it after lake weekend. We will do that for you.
  • Lots of Smiles and Fun
What you need to provide?

You will need to provide your personal gear: mask, snorkel, fins and booties. Why? Because the mask needs to fit your face, the snorkel should be one you like, the fins and booties need to fit your feet. It does not matter to us where you purchase your personal gear. The most important thing is the equipment needs to fit you properly. We would recommend you purchase these items from one of our Affiliate Dive Stores. You will also want to bring a towel and swimsuit for both the pool and open water sessions. You might consider bringing some sunscreen.

Other costs you might need to consider:
  • Fuel: To and from the confined and open water dive sessions.
  • Breakfast
  • Dinner
  • Hotel: If you plan to stay over night.
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we can be reached at our Contact Us page or visit our
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