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Package Course:
Includes the
Project AWARE Specialty, the Project AWARE Manual
- Our World Our Water Manual, the
Coral Reef Conservation Specialty, the
Equipment Specialty, the Encyclopedia of Recreational
Diving DVD, certification cards, and photos for certification.
Prerequisites: Must be at least 10 years old and certified as a Junior Open
Water Diver or an Open Water Diver.
The Classroom Package includes the following:
- Project AWARE: If you want to learn about the plight of worldwide aquatic
ecosystems and how you can protect them, this Specialty course is for you. This non-diving Specialty course
may also be conducted in conjunction with other Specialty Diver courses. You do not have to be certified and
there is no age requirement. Counts toward the
Master Scuba Diver Certification.
Click here for details about the
Project AWARE Specialty course.
- Coral Reef Conservation:
The AWARE - Coral Reef Conservation Specialty course teaches divers,
snorkelers and non-divers about the vital role of coral reefs in the marine environment. The non-diving specialty
course also familiarizes participants with the current state of the world's coral reefs and how they can help.
You do not have to be certified and there is no age requirement. Counts toward the
Master Scuba Diver Certification.
Click here for details about the
Coral Reef Conservation Specialty course.
- Equipment Specialty:
This course will familiarize divers with the operation and maintenance of your personal
diving equipment. You will learn about the theory, principles and operation of diving equipment, recommended care
and maintenance procedures, and proper equipment storage, common problems encountered with equipment and recommended
professional maintenance procedures and simple suggestions for comfortable equipment configurations and an introduction
to new equipment. Counts toward the
Master Scuba Diver Certification.
Click here for details about the
Equipment Specialty course.
Forms Required:
No forms required for these courses.
Materials/Equipment Required: The A.W.A.R.E. - Our World Our Water Manual
(included in course price) and The Encyclopedia of Recreational Diving DVD (included in course price).
Length of Course:
If you have read the AWARE - "Our World Our Water" Manual and read The Encyclopedia of Recreational
Diving Manual prior to coming to class, the classroom session should take approximately 4 hours depending
upon class size.
Course Dates: This packaged training course can be scheduled during
the week or any non-training weekend. This packaged training course is offered on any lake weekend or any dive trip.
If you need additional information or have questions,
we can be reached at our Contact Us page or visit our
Sign Up page.