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As of January 1, 2017, DIVING FOR FUN will NO LONGER be offering training services. However, we wanted to continue to provide a list of the classes we offered along with course outlines as a reference for all our past customers.

Spear Fishing Specialty - Spear Fishing, West Palm Beach, FL March 08, 2008Course Overview: If you want to hone your underwater hunting skils and become better at spear fishing, then this course is course for you. This course will teach you underwater hunting tactics and techniques to help to become a more proficient underwater hunter. In addition this course will refresh your knowledge in boat safety, spear fishing safety, federal, state and local rules and regulations, types of spear guns, spear heads, and related equipment.

Prerequisites: To qualify for the Open Water dives, an individual must be certified as an Adventure Diver (or have a rating equivalent to that of an Advanced Open Water Diver and be at least 15 years of age).

Spear Fishing Specialty - Spear Fishing, West Palm Beach, FL March 08, 2008Course Activities: In class, we will discuss stalking and stealth techniques used for underwater hunting. Some of the techniques discussed are currents, the sun's position, time of day, and angle of approach. Update or refresh your knowledge on boat safety, spear fishing safety, federal, state and local rules and regulations, types of spear guns, spear heads, and related equipment.
  • Classroom: There is one classroom session. The classroom session will cover each of the sections outlined above.
  • Independent Study: None Required.
  • Open Water Dives: Optional 2 open water dives on a dive trip.
Spear Fishing Specialty - Spear PointForms Required: Students training will need to complete the three (3) forms: Liability Release, Statement of Understanding, and Medical Statement prior to entering the water.

Materials/Equipment Required: No materials required. Recommended: "Spearfishing for Skin and Scuba Divers", by Steven M. Barsky, and "Spearfishing and Underwater Hunting Handbook, Beginner through Advanced" , by B. Allen Patrick (not included in price).

Spear Fishing Specialty - Fish StringerLength of Course: The classroom session will last approximately 1-2 hours depending upon class size.

Related Specialties: Project AWARE, Boat Diver, Coral Reef Conservation, Deep Diver, Drift Diver, Dry Suit Diver, Enriched Air (Nitrox), Equipment Specialist, Fish ID, Multi-Level Diver, Night Diver, Peak Performance Buoyancy, UW Naturalist, UW Navigation, UW Digital Photo, UW Photo, UW Search & Recovery, Wreck Diver.

Diving For Fun - Life Ring Image  If you need additional information or have questions,
we can be reached at our Contact Us page or visit our
Sign Up page.
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